Dong Juan Restaurant ventured into franchising field over the past few years to increase its market share. In spite of many competitors, DJ was able to keep the business growing.
Business people knew that being into franchising is not that easy. Most franchisor's main concern would be the operation and financial aspects, specifically, maintaining several branches at the same time.
So how does Ms. Aubrey handle it?
According to Ms. Aubrey, "Launching several branches around town and also getting into franchising wasn't that easy, now that I already have to attend to not just one branch, it is very important to keep my eyes on the operation. To do that I have to provide myself and my staff the tools to keep on going. Then, Alliance WebPOS came in. At first, I was very hesitant to adopt this system as I also have to consider my franchisee's opinion about it. Nevertheless, it did work out well."
Alliance WebPOS is a web-based point of sale system. Alliance WebPOS provides centralized hosting allowing Ms. Aubrey and her DJ team fast and easy access to business information anytime, anywhere. Inventory management becomes especially important for a multi-site franchise owner like Ms. Aubrey of DJ as they need to track, share and transfer merchandise across various franchise locations.
Specifically, how did Alliance WEBPOS help her in managing her business?
To quote Ms. Aubrey of DJ - "Through WebPOS, I can extract sales and inventory reports from all of DJ branches. Likewise, I can perform stock adjustments, manage price list, sales data comparisons; extract product saleability to track sales trend - per product, month/year or per branch. This capability to access the right information at the right time makes me worry less about losing control over my business operations. As these data are stored in the Cloud, I am assured of data availability without worrying about the risk of losing my data. Further, the Cloud keeps my system up 24x7. I can upload/download data with the use of internet anytime, anywhere even if I'm not physically present on other branches or even if I am abroad on business trip."
These are words from a successful business owner of Dong Juan, Ms. Aubrey Borja. Her experience reveals how her choice of the right technology was able to help her business kick-off and remain on a growth trajectory. As the saying goes - "Invest to Gain". Indeed, Ms. Aubrey Borja has made the right technology investment decision with Alliance WebPOS. She dreamed for growth in her restaurant franchising system and Alliance helped by filling in the details to make her dream a reality.
About Dong Juan Restaurant
The owner of Dong Juan is Ms. Aubrey Lim Borja in collaboration with her husband John Barnard L. Borja. Ms. Aubrey was once with Salon de Rose, but later decided to take the risk to be in food industry. DJ is a family-owned business and was intended to be a burger and pizza place where middle class to upper class can enjoy good meals at value for money. DJ offers variety of comfort foods to middle and upper class who would like to dine to not too commercial or flashy, but classy restaurants at a very affordable price.
Dong Juan started as a small cozy restaurant at Emilio Osmena Street, Guadalupe, Cebu City and was establish in 2007. From their first branch in Guadalupe, Dong Juan is expanding fast. As of 2012 they already have numerous established branches nationwide and still counting.
About Alliance EES, Inc. and Alliance WebPOS
Alliance Software, Inc. is a global application development outsourcing company. Established in 2000 and has since grown to become one of the Philippines' largest and most respected independent software development outsourcing company. Alliance's delivery model is anchored on both on-shore and off-shore approach stressing on effective use of our key strengths in our people, process and technology. As part of Alliance's strategic delivery model, Alliance has established offices in the key markets of Tokyo and Manila.
One of Alliance's product segment is Enterprise Retail Systems (POS) also known as Alliance WebPOS. It is a web-based point of sales system (POS) using Software as a Service (SaaS) architecture to provide centralized hosting allowing you fast and easy access anytime, anywhere. It downloads a very small client footprint that runs natively giving you nice and user friendly experience like other installed application. It can run on Windows, Linux, and Macintosh platform providing you maximum saving against unnecessary hardware setup, maintenance and administration cost.