Alliance EDGE launches its latest offering for people management, the Cloud Productivity Tracking System. This cloud-based solution allows Project Managers and Members to manage daily tasks and projects as a whole especially in team or project-based companies common in BPO, Research & Development, Design and Advertising/Marketing industries. It also gives financial data to identify profit and loss for each project.

The 3 main users of the Cloud Productivity Tracking System are Project Members, Project Managers and Finance. Project Managers can assign daily tasks and expected efforts from each member to complete one or multiple projects. Each Project Member can also create their own daily task list as aligned to the projects assigned to them. All of these are reflected in their individual dashboards to achieve optimal productivity. On the daily, Project Managers can see the progress of each of the projects at member task level. This helps managers to not only monitor but to also evaluate and appropriate resources to ensure that they are on top of project management. Data such as project profit and loss can be retrieved at real-time to aid the CFO and Executive Management in critical project decisions.

Cloud Productivity Tracking System can be deployed on-premise or by number of employees with a price for *as low as PHP200 per employee a month. Other key features of the system are:

To know more about Cloud Productivity Tracking System, send an email to

*Based on the lowest bracket price.

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