Alliance Software, Inc. is now a Gold Partner of Microsoft for Application Development Competency effective April 2017.

Alliance is embracing Microsoft as one of its Key Partners in Application and Software Development as part of its initiatives to advance in the fast changing world of technology. With the help of Microsoft technologies, Alliance plans to maximize current capabilities particularly in the Cloud and Big Data space; thus, further enabling Alliance to better serve their global clients.

Even before Alliance became part of the Microsoft Partner Network, Alliance has already been providing its clients with Microsoft related development services. The journey to the Gold Partner level thus did not come only as a challenge but also as an opportunity to be recognized by one of the leading industry drivers in the IT market.

Microsoft Partner Network

Microsoft Partner Network (MPN) is the Partner Program of Microsoft that is widely available to all. It is a program designed to help technology companies be equipped with the right set of tools in building business solutions with Microsoft Technologies.

The Partner Program has vendors, distributors, solutions and services providers as its members. They are experts in building and selling their products and services based on Microsoft technology. MPN provides three types of memberships, Network Member, Action Pack and Competency Members. It categorizes and separates the Partners based on their commitment and area of expertise.

As a Competency Partner, the highest membership level is Gold competency, it provides the largest array of benefits but is the most difficult to attain. 1

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What is Gold Application Development Competency?

Attaining the Gold Application Development Competency proves that Alliance Software, Inc. can demonstrate its expertise in delivering quality services in Software and Application Development capabilities, providing development and deployment to ground-up application to customers using core Microsoft products and technologies.

These Microsoft Product and Technologies include Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform, Microsoft Visual Studio, Window Operating System, Windows Server, and other Microsoft developer tools and emerging Microsoft products.

Journey to Microsoft Gold Application Development Competency

This is the first time that Alliance Software, Inc. has achieved the Gold Application Development Competency. Although the main objective of Alliance is only to earn the Silver Partner level, Alliance realized that there is still room for excellence and stepped up as Gold Partner of Microsoft.

In order to achieve the Microsoft Gold Application Development, a partner should:

Let us hear more from our Management on their perception of Alliance’s Gold Partnership with Microsoft.

Mr. Robert J. Cheng, “RJC“, President/CEO of Alliance Software, Inc.

What made you choose Microsoft instead of other Big Technology companies to partner with?

RJC: Microsoft is a major technology company and we’ve seen how Microsoft has repositioned itself in the Cloud space. This repositioning is aligned to how Alliance also sees the Cloud as a vital platform on how solutions will be delivered and managed.

Did partnering with Microsoft change the direction of Alliance?

RJC: Microsoft is a major technology company and we’ve seen how Microsoft has repositioned itself in the Cloud space. This repositioning is aligned to how Alliance also sees the Cloud as a vital platform on how solutions will be delivered and managed.

How would becoming a Gold Partner of Microsoft help us reach the goals of Alliance?

RJC: In addition to Alliance’s direction as a business, being a Gold Partner validates the technical vitality and capabilities of Alliance as a .Net house. It allows Alliance to invest valuable man-hours to further strengthen our technical skill sets and, in parallel, motivates our engineers to likewise invest in achieving the technical certifications.

Kendrick Lloyd Chong, Assistant Vice President for IT Services of Alliance Software, Inc.
Te Jay Luna, Assistant Vice President for IT Solutions of Alliance Software, Inc.

What is the impact of becoming a Microsoft Gold partner to your Business Unit?

Ken: It helps a lot in the branding, it shows that we are capable of providing Microsoft services and solutions. It improves our brand’s image and also increases our market value.

TJ: This is more of a prestige with us that we could show to our existing clients and prospective clients. This will help increase the brand prestige of Alliance. Hence, this will open up new opportunities for us as we become part of the Microsoft network.

Do you think that becoming a Gold Partner of Microsoft would help you sell your products and services? How?

Ken: Yes, it is part of our strategy to partner with major technology companies. Becoming a partner of Microsoft opened up the opportunity to be part of the enterprise market.

TJ: Yes, this is related to the increased brand prestige of Alliance by associating ourselves with a global and reliable brand such as Microsoft.

Did it change your strategies and plans for the year?

Ken: No, this is something that we are planning ever since, I would say 2 or 3 years ago.

TJ: Yes. Cloud solution is positioned as one of our key pillars in our solutions. Microsoft licenses are part of this.

Diane Geonzon-Ofonda, Assistant Vice President for IT Service Delivery of Alliance Software, Inc.

What are the benefits of becoming a Gold Partner to Service Delivery team?

Diane: Becoming a Gold Partner has been very beneficial to the Service Delivery Team. For one, we already have direct access to Microsoft Technical Support, and have in fact been linked in already with Microsoft personnel who can assist us in our technical concerns. Second, we are given priority in trainings and roadshows. Third, the available licenses, trainings and learning materials have been helpful in our thrust to continuously upgrade the skills of our engineers. In fact, because of all the available support, we have been very aggressive in taking Microsoft official certifications.

How did it affect your productivity and efficiency on your projects?

Diane: Using Cloud and tools such as TFS have been helpful in streamlining our processes, especially on continuous integration, which have resulted in greater productivity and efficiency. The available licenses also have allowed us to tap in more developers who can use Visual Studio and other Microsoft tools and apps, to help them in their development works.

Did you see any changes in your engineers now that we are a Gold Partner of Microsoft?

Diane: The recognition in itself that we are a Microsoft Gold Partner has been a very positive thing for our engineers. It has kept our motivations up, and it's a bragging right that our engineers are very proud of.

By: Romel Bryan Dacanay

About Microsoft

For more information about Microsoft, visit to learn more.

About Alliance Software Inc.

Alliance Software, Inc. is one of the Philippines' largest independent Filipino software development and business solutions company.

Alliance Software, Inc. is a global IT services and solutions company. Alliance was established in 2000 and has since grown to become one of the Philippines' largest and most respected independent software development outsourcing company. Alliance's delivery model is anchored on both on-shore and off-shore approach stressing on effective use of our key strengths in our people, process and technology. As part of Alliance’s strategic delivery model, Alliance have established offices in the key markets of Tokyo, Cebu and Manila.


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